Bacterial cell death - as programmed ?

Douglas B. Kell dbk at aber.ac.uk
Tue Feb 14 11:08:10 EST 1995

In article <01HMSYSGOHLU0009BX at arserrc.gov> AKIM at ARSERRC.GOV writes:
>I am reposting this message before posting results of last message.
>I am interested in the bacterial cell death (as a single cell rather
>than poupilation of bacteria).  Many scientists fucuss on the fact of 
>total population response at stationary phase (such as induction of 
>stationary phase related gene production).  Cell death at stationary
>phase is dependent upon intrinsic factors of each individual cells as
>everybody agreed.
>However, my question is why a cell (to be dead) could accumulated
>intrinsic factors leading cell death and what is the intrinsic factors.
>Again, a single cell in heterogeneous population at a certain bacterial
>growth stage can decides its fate whether to be going to be dead or
>alive.  But, how?                    
>I will appreciate any input.         
>Thank you for your time and consideration.
>Augustine Kim

Try the following:

Kaprelyants, A.S., Gottschal, J.C. & Kell, D.B. (1993) Dormancy in nonsporulating bacteria. 
FEMS Microbiol. Rev. 104, 271-286.

Kaprelyants, A.S. & Kell, D.B. (1993) Dormancy in stationary-phase cultures of Micrococcus 
luteus: flow cytometric analysis of starvation and resuscitation. Appl. Env. Microbiol. 
59, 3187-3196.

Kaprelyants, A.S., Mukamolova, G.V. & Kell, D.B. (1994) Estimation of dormant Micrococcus 
luteus cells by penicillin lysis and by resuscitation in cell-free spent culture medium at 
high dilution. FEMS Microbiol. Lett., 115, 347-352.

Votyakova, T.V., Kaprelyants, A.S. & Kell, D.B. (1994) Influence of viable cells on the 
resuscitation of dormant cells in Micrococcus luteus cultures held in extended 
stationary phase. The population effect. Appl. Env. Microbiol. 60, 3284-3291.

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