NATURICS: Physical parameters in biomaterials are predictable

Peter Jakubowski jakubows at mail.rz.uni-duesseldorf.de
Wed Feb 8 19:22:30 EST 1995

Hi, researchers and technicians in biotechnologies!

*** I have a cooperation proposal, rather than simply a question:
*** Is there in this Newsgroup a need of practical calculations of
*** physical parameters for arbitrary biotechnological materials?

With my model, NATURICS, it is possible to calculate all physical
properties of any material as related to a single quantum of matter.

For example, if you are working on cancered cells, you have to
differentiate where are the energy sources of these cells in the
living organism. The energetic balance of the "normal" cells could
be re-established by irradiation with "normal" light from optical
range. The cancered cells having their energy sources in neighbouring
nerve cells will be more sensitive with respect to x-rays. Only those
cancered cells, which have a direct connection with brain cells
should be treated with gamma rays.

Or, if you are trying to cut DNA and you have to work at the liquid
nitrogen temperature of 77 K, the best suitable "portions" of DNA 
should have the length of 16 nm and the electric field during this
"operation" has to be of 67 mV, and so on.

If someone is interested, please email me, puting a specified physical
parameter (value) and the list of desired physical quantities. 
I regret, I cannot visit your Newsgroup everyday, so please use email.
As an equivalent for my "service", your comments about the correctness
of these predictions (or perhaps about some difficulties to adopt
the quantum properties directly in your projects) will be welcome,
but not obligatory.

Peter Jakubowski

-- jakubows at mail.rz.uni-duesseldorf.de
-- P.O.Box 16 02 38, 40565 Dusseldorf, Germany

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