Looking for collegues

Bruce Micales bmicales at facstaff.wisc.edu
Sat Feb 11 21:02:40 EST 1995


>I am working in the Central Veterinary Institut in Holland.
>I am interested in botulism and other anaerobics.
>Have you information for me about ELISA fo botulism or other 
>test to replace the mouse bio-assay?

I worked with botulism for about three years and I have always been told that 
there is not an ELISA assay that can approach the sensitivity of the 
bio-assay.  However, that was several years ago and I would be interested in 
hearing if an ELISA test has been developed.

I had to change position plus I developed a very nice allergy to the mice!

Hoping I hear from you.

Bruce Micales

Bruce Micales
bmicales at facstaff.wisc.edu
Department of Anatomy
Amateur Radio : WA2DEU

"His eyes wide open!"

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