What's so funny about microbiology ?

Alvarus S Chan alfi at iastate.edu
Fri Feb 10 11:57:53 EST 1995

Hello netter's:

Thank's to all that have responded to me on the microbiology funny's book.

Author:  Joachim Czichos, Title:  What's so funny about microbiology,
Publishers:  Science Tech Publishers, 701 Ridge St., Madison, WI 53705.,
ISBN # 0-910239-12-6 (english edition).

I have contacted, barnes and noble, waldenbooks, and borders bookstores. 
Non of these bookstores can get this for me.  Called the publisher's up and
it appears they are out of business.  Our campus library and bookstore have
also tried but with no luck.

I would appreciate suggestions or references on how to get a copy of this
publication.  I'm out of ideas.

Al C.
alfi at iastate.edu

*     Alvarus S.K. Chan                             *
*     U.S.D.A.- A.R.S.- N.S.T.L                     *
*     2150 Pammel Drive, Ames, Iowa 50011, U.S.A.   *
*                                                   *
*     Ph:  (515) 294 9771 / Fax: (515) 294 8125     *
*                                                   *
*     Internet: alfi at iastate.edu                    *

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