Demonstrations for a 4th Gr Class

achang at asmusa.org Amy
Fri Feb 10 16:00:46 EST 1995

>   ekupp at aol.com (Ekupp) writes:
>  I've been asked by the science fair organizers at the local Elem. school
>  to give a demonstration to a 4th grade class.  The purpose of the visit is
>  to generate interest in the upcoming science fair.  I have several ideas
>  but was wondering if anyone out there has done something like this in the
>  past or perhaps you have some great ideas on the subject.  I' looking for
>  something really stimulating with a microbial slant. 
The American Society for Microbiology publishes a manual "Orientation Handbook
for Volunteers in Science Education".  It is a compilation of resources, including 
fun microbial related activities, which members of the ASM have developed for
the classroom.  In addition, the ASM sponsors a "speakers" bureau of scientists
who are available, able, and sometimes trained, to work in the precollege classroom.
Send an email with your postal address to EducationResources at asmusa.org and
request the Orientation Handbook and list of members in your area to contact.  By
linking you with other experts in your area, you may find a community with whom
you can share ideas.   Good luck!

Amy Chang 
Director of Education and Training 
American Society for Microbiology
1325 Massachusetts Ave. NW
Washington, DC 20005
email: achang at asmusa.org

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