<<<: OXIDATION :>>>
On 8 Feb 1995 AKIM at ARSERRC.GOV wrote:
> Hi.
> I am reposting this message before posting results of last message.
> I am interested in the bacterial cell death (as a single cell rather
> than poupilation of bacteria). Many scientists fucuss on the fact of
> total population response at stationary phase (such as induction of
> stationary phase related gene production). Cell death at stationary
> phase is dependent upon intrinsic factors of each individual cells as
> everybody agreed.
> However, my question is why a cell (to be dead) could accumulated
> intrinsic factors leading cell death and what is the intrinsic factors.
> Again, a single cell in heterogeneous population at a certain bacterial
> growth stage can decides its fate whether to be going to be dead or
> alive. But, how?
>> I will appreciate any input.
> Thank you for your time and consideration.
>> Augustine Kim
> e-Mail : AKIM at ARSERRC.GOV>>