help on case study!!

AMY THOMPSON amthomps at zebu.cvm.msu.edu
Wed Feb 1 19:11:42 EST 1995

Hi.  I am doing a case study and need some help with it.  Here is the case:
A neutered tomcat has been ill for several days and had become progressively 
worse, showing increasing cough, labored breathing, and failure to eat.  
Consequently, its owner brought it to the clinic.  In addition to 
the foregoing symptoms of cough, dyspnea, and inappetence, clinical signs 
detected by the vet included an elevated temp. of 103.9 and a bilateral 
mucopurulent nasal discharge.  Auscultation revealed medium crackles lung 
sounds.  Laboratory test results included a CBC in which the differential 
count showed and elevated WBC count with a moderate left shift.  The 
urinalysis was normal.  A fecal examination was negative.  A gram stain of 
lung aspirate revealed gram negative rods.  These bacteria grew well as mucoid 
colonies on MacConkey agar.  They were lactose-positive, oxidase-negative, and 

I have a few questions.
1.  What is MacConkey agar?  Does it matter?
2.  What are the possible etiologic agents?  Why?
3.  What etiologic agents can be ruled out?
4.  What precautions should be undertaken before doing antimicrobial therapy?

I would appreciate ANY help you can give me regarding this assignment.  Send 
responses to amthomps at zebu.cvm.msu.edu

Thank you!!

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