Multimedia parasitology

Ingvar.Eliasson at alinks.se Ingvar.Eliasson at alinks.se
Mon Oct 31 17:59:08 EST 1994

We are a group of parasitologists and clinical microbiologists in 
Sweden who have started to build up a digital image database in 
parasitology. Step two will then be to compile the image database 
together with informative texts into an interactive database, WWW 
and/or CD ROM, to be accessible via Internet, and distributed on 
CD-ROM to medical schools, depts of infectious diseases and 
clinical microbiological laboratories.

The final product will be free of charge (a nominal charge for 
distribution only, in the case of CD ROM).

We are now looking for partners who would be willing to supply 
high quality slides with short descriptions/patient data. Your 
slides will be returned once we have scanned them, and we will 
treat them with care. Your images will not be used commercially, 
and your name and department will be displayed in the marigin of 
each picture att all times when it is used.

We appreciate images of all kinds, e.g. patients displaying 
clinical features, gross anatomy, autopsy, microscopy, electron 
microscopy, epidemiological maps. Just make sure that you supply 
clinical/experimental data.

Slides can be sent directly to:

Dr. Ingvar Eliasson
Dept. Clinical Microbiology
County Hospital
S-391 85  Kalmar, Sweden
Phone:     +46-480-448772
Fax:       +46-480-81738
Internet:  Ingvar.Eliasson at alinks.se

Please contact me if you have any questions or good ideas on whom 
I should contact.

Thanks for your assistance!

Best regards

Ingvar Eliasson

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