chlamydia susceptibility testing

C. Greiner cgreiner at blue.weeg.uiowa.edu
Sun Oct 30 02:59:31 EST 1994

I am attempting to assay antichlamydial drug activity
in vitro utilizing McCoy cells (96-well microtiter plate
format) with an IFA detection method. Does anyone in the
group have any advice regarding possible inoculuum effects?
The literature varies in this respect from 100 to 10,000 
ifu/coverslip,well. Also, I am looking for an inexpensive, 
simple (preferably colorimetric) detection method to avoid
the cost of monoclonal abs and the time investment of 
quantitating inclusions by microscopy. It doesn't necessarily
need to be overly specific for chlamydia, but it should be
very sensitive to chlamydial growth. Any ideas would be 
welcome. Thanks in advance. cgreiner at blue.weeg.uiowa.edu.

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