Prostatitis is annoying

Sat Oct 29 18:34:51 EST 1994

In article <94301.080029KXN4 at psuvm.psu.edu> K. Nelson <KXN4 at psuvm.psu.edu> writes:

>As we are well aware from other newsgroups, Una is the last person who should
>suggest that someone is argumentative and has used the last of their net

     Although this is the "bionet.microbiology" newsgroup, it doesn't change 
the fact that the perpetuation of this thread has been well overstayed.  I 
also wonder what kind of doctor this fellow is.  As good as these newsgroups 
are for technical information, he seems to depend (linger?) on the "bionet.**" 
newsgroups for "expert" medical advice. I would think (hope?) that there are 
medically-oriented/professional specialists in practice this "doctor" 
could approach rather than depend on information generated by this newsgroup 
as the sole source of info for treatment for his "patient".

-Regards, Peter
*  Peter M. Muriana, Ph.D.             317-494-8284   TEL            *
*  Dept. of Food Science               317-494-7953   FAX            *
*  Purdue University                   murianap at foodsci.purdue.edu   *
*  Smith Hall                                                        *
*  W. Lafayette, IN  47907-1160                                      *

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