Postdoctoral Position
Two Post Doctoal Research Associate positions are immediately available.
The projects involve isolating and characterizing bacteria to be used in
bioprocessing of wastes containing either high levels of nitrates at high
pH or polychlorinated hydrocarbons. Studies will involve enriching for
and isolating cultures, phylogenetic typing of cultures by 16s rDNA
sequencing, biochemical and genetic characterization of hydrocarbon
degradation pathways involved, optimization of growth and degradation
conditions for large scale bioprocessing, and design of molecular probes
for monitoring bioprocessing. Applicants must have a Ph.D. and experience
isolating and culturing anaerobic bacteria. Applicants with backgrounds
in microbiology and molecular biology are preferred. Send CV and names of
3 references to Dr. Margaret Romine, Environmental Microbiology Group,
Battelle Pacific Northwest Lab, P.O. Box 999, MS K4-06, Richland,
Washington 99352. Phone number: 509-375-6427; FAX 509-375-6666.