Lab Manual Proposal

Paul H. Demchick Paul.Demchick at LAMBADA.OIT.UNC.EDU
Thu Oct 27 13:48:16 EST 1994

               <<<CURRENT LAB MANUAL BANK PLANS>>>
                   >>>Request for Feedback<<<

This is being sent to anyone who expressed some interest in
the lab manual file bank.  It is also being posted to
microbio.net.bio.net.  Lots of people sent input.  Based on
that input I have pulled together the following plan.  I
invite any refinements you wish to suggest (please).

1. OVER-VIEW: Currently an instructor who wishes to use a
lab manual has the option of using an off-the-shelf lab
manual or generating an in-house manual.  Off-the-shelf
manuals never quite fit the local needs.  In-house manuals
require enormous amounts of work.  The propose solution is
the develop a lab manual file bank.  Various folks could
contribute materials.  Anyone could use the materials.  An
instructor wishing to could make a customized lab manual by
editing the files.  That would be much easier than starting
from scratch).  Although the same approach could be taken
for other subject areas, I wish to start such a manual for

2. FORMAT OF FILES: For maximum flexibility, I propose
receiving/distributing text materials as ASCII files.  This
would allow use with almost any word processor.  Figures
could be submitted as .BMP, .PCX, .PIC and .TIF files.  They
could also be submitted on paper.  They would be converted
and distributed as .BMP, .PCX and .TIF (uncompressed) files. 
I think this would be compatible with most needs.  I would
suggest we stick strictly to black/white/grey images
(black/white whenever possible).

3. DISTRIBUTION OF FILES: Ideally, the files would be housed
by a FTP site.  Until a volunteer site can be found (any
thoughts?), I propose distributing files by snail-mailing
disks.  In the case of text-only, I could E-mail materials.

4. SUBMITTING/EDITING: Several people questioned who would
coordinate receiving/editing/distributing.  I would be
willing.  Once we get started, I proposed folks sending me
materials they wish to have included.  I would tinker just a
little to make the organization of the files more-or-less
uniform.  I would then send my edited version to the
submitter.  If they agree that I have not butchered their
work, the item would be included.  (I will happily un-
butcher to the submitter's specifications).

5. CREDIT: Users would pay no fee on the condition that the
manual is distributed on a not-for-profit basis.  It would
be requested that credit be given for each lab exercise in a
format such as "Adapted by Dr. Instructor from material
developed by Dr. Example Sample of Collegetown University
which is part of a collection of material available from
Paul H. Demchick of Barton College, Wilson, NC  27893, USA."

Please comment on the above.  I will pull together a refined
plan and send that to you on or about 15 November 1994.

Please have others send names/addresses (E-Mail when
possible) if they may be interesting in contributing and/or



Paul H. Demchick
Cell Biology Program
Department of Biological and Physical Sciences
B A R T O N   C O L L E G E
Wilson, NC  27893

paul.demchick at launchpad.unc.edu

Telephone: 919-399-6467
FAX: 919-237-4957

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