wavelength to read cultures

G K L Munro bssgklm at bath.ac.uk
Mon Oct 24 09:53:40 EST 1994

In the referenced article, rogers at usuhsb.usuhs.mil writes:
>In Article <36ptvg$gd at mserv1.dl.ac.uk>
>"RICHARD A. MURPHY 312-996-8630" <U14663 at UICVM.UIC.EDU> writes:
>>When reading ODs of bacterial cultures with a spectrophotometer, what
>>wavelength should be used and is it the same for all bacteria?.
>>Dick Murphy
>>|Richard A. Murphy                   Bitnet: U14663 at uicvm.bitnet    |
>>|University of Illinois at Chicago   Internet: U14663 at uicvm.uic.edu |
>We use 550nm on E. coli and 660nm on L. pneumophila

Just out of interest,  what is the basis for the various wavelengths used to 
measure bacterial culture density and what are the pros and cons of each.  For
example,  lots ODs are measured at 595nm others at 600nm.  Why?

Gordon Munro
Bath University

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