Picking up a bacterium

BCapstone bcapstone at aol.com
Tue Oct 25 10:56:04 EST 1994

Bob Morrell wrote:


Bob, thanks for your debate.  I have formed a hypothesis:  The Meares and
Stamey localization procedure is not very sensitive for diagnosing
prostatitis.  By proceeding to identify the unknown and so far
unculturalbe rods seen on microscopy I will take a small step in
supporting or disproving the hypothesis.  That is why I proceed.  The
patient has sepsis which resolved with antibiotics but the prostatitis did
not.  Proof of the source of sepsis is lacking.  That is also why I
proceed.  Finally the patient is in great distress.  I am not satisfied to
tell him that there has been no improvement in the diagnosis of
prostatitis in 25 years and leave it at that.

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