Can you pick up a bacterium?

Haze hlr at aber.ac.uk
Mon Oct 17 04:31:44 EST 1994

In article <gjs.1342.13086B84 at aber.ac.uk> gjs at aber.ac.uk (Gaz) writes:

>>> Can you pick up a bacterium.  I am wondering if any of the technology in
>>> medicine or biology could be used to separate out a rod from a mixture of
>>> cocci and sperm.  Can't be done by culture.  E-mail: BCapstone at aol.com

>What do you mean by "pick up". Cells can be sorted by flow cytometry 
>techniques quite easily (we do it). A mixture as different as that stated 
>above would be very easy to sort. Once sorted they would be available for any 
>other manipulation/technique you might want to carry out.

It's true that you could separate the cells by flow cytometry BUT (there's 
always a but) it will depend on how many bacteria of the type you want are 
present as a proportion of the total cell load. Flow cytometers are usually 
operated with an analysis rate of 1000-10,000 cells/sec (typically the lower 
number for sorting applications). So if the cell type you are interested in is 
present at less than 1/10,000 or so you would have problems using this 

Would it be possible to enrich for the bacteria for example by selectively 
lysing the sperm, leaving the bacteria intact (this approach has been used to 
detect bacteria in blood by flow cytometry where the starting concentration 
from memory was around 10^9 blood cells and 10-100 bacteria /ml). 
Alternatively it may be possible to separate the bacteria from the sperm by 
their density difference. Such preliminary steps would then give you a better 
chance of separation by flow cytometry. 

Once you have an appropriate sample it is indeed possible to take a mixed cell 
suspension and drop a single cell of the type you require into (for example) a 
well of a microtitre plate or to put most (up to 99% recovery has been 
reported) of the cells of your selected type into a collection tube for 
further analysis.

Hope some of the above ramblings are useful...

Hazel Davey (hlr at aber.ac.uk)
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