postdr available

boningli at usthk.ust.hk boningli at usthk.ust.hk
Sun Oct 23 00:33:06 EST 1994

Two postdoctoral positions are available  in plant molecular biology
/biochemistry of ethylene biosynthesis and action.  The applicant should have
experience in protein purification, site-directed mutagenesis and/or cloning.
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology campus locates right on the
beach of clear water bay of Hong Kong and offers an exciting environment, the
state of art equipment and modern libraries for researches and competitive
salary for researchers. Interested individuals should send CV to :

Ning LI/ Shang Fa Yang 
Department of Biology
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Clear Water Bay
Hong Kong 
E-mail: BONINGLI at usthk.ust.hk
FAX:	852-358-1559
TEL:	852-358-7335; 

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