drug resistant war stories

William J Buesching wbueschi at magnus.acs.ohio-state.edu
Thu Oct 20 08:37:17 EST 1994

Vancomycin resistant enterococci (VRE) are a real problem.  The incidence of 
VRE will vary from institution to institution.  A summary of the magnitude and 
impact of VRE may be found in Federal Register as follows:

Department of Health and Human Services.  Preventing the spread of vancomycin 
resistance--Report from the hospital infection control practices advisory 
committee. Federal Register, 59(No.94):25758-25763, Tuesday May 17, 1994.

Following is an excerpt from the introduction of that report:
     From 1989 through 1993, the percentage of nosocomial enterococcal 
infections reported to the CDC National Nosocomial Infections Survelliance 
(NNIS) System that were resistant to vancomycin increased from 0.3% to 7.9%.  
The increase was due mainly to a 34-fold rise, from 0.4% to 13.6% of infections
due to VRE in intensive care unit (ICU) patients, although atrend towards 
increased vancomycin resistance was also noted in non-ICU patients.

This is an interesting report with a good bibliography.  Hope this helps.

wbueschi at magnus.acs.ohio-state.edu
William Buesching
Ohio State University Medical Center
310 Doan Hall
Columbus, OH  43210

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