Ribosome concentration

Herbert H. Winkler herbertw at SUNGCG.USOUTHAL.EDU
Thu Oct 20 15:32:10 EST 1994

	Conventional wisdom is that the ribosomal concentration should be
related to the growth rate.  There is good evidence in E. coli and
it certainly makes sense.  However, Rickettsia prowazekii has a generation
time of 10 hrs and yet has the same ribosomal concentration as E.coli 
growing with a 40 min generation time (MolMicro 12:115,'94)!  Slow ribosomes?

	Do you know of other published or unpublished measurements of 
ribosome concentraion in slow growing bacteria?
	Even just the name of the organism, if you can't remember the 
reference, would help me find it in Grateful Med.  If you have any 
information I would appreciate receiving it.

Herb Winkler [herbertw at sungcg.usouthal.edu]	

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