drug resistant war stories

Tony Meyn Tmeyn at ccit.arizona.edu
Wed Oct 19 21:18:52 EST 1994

In article <383s40$26t at detroit.freenet.org>, ac415 at detroit.freenet.org
(Kathryn S. Black) wrote:

> You are fortunate if you are not seeing VRE's.  I am the
> supervisor of a microbiology lab in a 300 bed community
> hospital and our rate is currently about 6%.  Believe me,
> a lot of people are very concerned.
> -- 
> Kate Black
> rcblack at oeonline
> ac415.detroit.freenet.org

I'm not sure what 6% means. Do you mean to say that 6% of the patients
in your hospital are showing VRE's?  You should do some studies to
the genetic similarity of the organisms you are isolating.  If they are
identical it could mean you may have one strain contaminating your hospital
or coming from a point source somewhere in the community.    

Tony Meyn
University of Arizona

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