MUCL vacancy

Moulliard Moulliard at mbla.ucl.ac.be
Wed Oct 19 09:52:38 EST 1994

>  Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium.
>  At the College of Agriculture of the Catholic University of Louvain, a full
>  time faculty position has become available:
>  Field:  Molecular biology of microorganisms
>  Aim: to develop a research group devoted to molecular biology applied to
>  fungi and bacteria and to supervise the mycotheque of the university
>  (23 000 strains) with the development and use of molecular biology
>  techniques applied to taxonomy.
>  Teaching will be in the areas of microbiology (mycology) and molecular
>  biology.
>  Special qualifications: publications in molecular biology applied to
>  microorganisms; a knowledge of fungal taxonomy will be an asset; otherwise,
>  it will have to be acquired.
>  Duties will include lectures and practical tuition, in French, to
>  undergraduate students, and supervision of postgraduate students.
>  Candidates should have a Ph.D. in the field, postdoctoral experience and
>  internationnally recognised publications.  They should be well recognised
>  scientists with a broad knowledge of the various aspects of the field.
>  They should have capability for teaching and for research group leadership.
>  The recruitment level will depend upon experience and qualifications.
>  Starting date will be October 1, 1995.
>  The application should include a curriculum vitae, a list of publications
>  and reprints of the 5 most representative ones, a research project for 5
>  years, three letters of reference and, if possible, the name of two belgian
>  scientific personalities, not members of the UCL, to whom information could
>  be asked. It should be sent before November 15th, 1994, to:
>  Professeur P. MACQ, Recteur de l'Université Catholique de Louvain, Halles
>  universitaires, Place de l'Université 1 à B-1348 LOUVAIN-LA-NEUVE, Belgium.
>  Inquiries may be directed to :
>  Professeur E. Persoons, Doyen de la faculté des Sciences agronomiques de
>  l'Université catholique de Louvain, place Croix du Sud 2, bte 1 at 1348
>  Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium.
>  Tél.: - Fax:    - e-mail:
>  Persoons at sagr.ucl.ac.be

Moulliard Charles
Mycotheque de l'Universite Catholique de Louvain (MUCL)
Place Croix du Sud, 3
B-1348 Belgium
Tel.: +32-(10)-47.37.37    Fax.:+32-(10)-45.15.01
Email: Moulliard at mbla.ucl.ac.be

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