Can you pick up a bacterium?

Mon Oct 17 20:05:44 EST 1994

In article <9410160611.AA23024 at dione.usb.ve>, hcampos at usb.ve (Honorio Americo Campos) writes:
>> Can you pick up a bacterium.  I am wondering if any of the technology in
>> medicine or biology could be used to separate out a rod from a mixture of
>> cocci and sperm.  Can't be done by culture.  E-mail: BCapstone at aol.com
>I do not have the references now, but I know that micromanipulation
>you to do that. I really wonder how easy that would be, though.
 I> I I have heard of some kind of laser tweezers that I read recently in some
periodical which are said to be able to move organels inside of cells, sorry
but icannot remember which it was.  best of luck Jason                         
       s wichni g

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