Opponents of 3-domain hypoth.?

S. LaBonne labonnes at csc.albany.edu
Mon Oct 17 17:14:29 EST 1994

As a microbial molecular biologist but an amateur in evolutionary
questions, I wonder if anyone out there has some info as to just
how universally accepted is Woese's division of living things
into the three domains Archaea, Bacteria and Eukarya.  I know
that as of fairly recently Lynn Margulis was still arguing for
the Monera and the five-kingdom system, and I believe Ernst Mayr
has even continued to argue for the old two-kingdom model.  Does
anyone know of other prominent holdouts?  Does anyone have a
reference to a recent paper giving a strong argument for continuing
to place all prokaryotes in a single kingdom or domain?

Steve LaBonne *********************** (labonnes at csc.albany.edu)
"It can never be satisfied, the mind, never." - Wallace Stevens

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