Can you pick up a bacterium?

Paul Holloway paul_eh at postoffice.utas.edu.au
Sun Oct 16 21:13:44 EST 1994

In article <37q2bb$59t at newsbf01.news.aol.com>, bcapstone at aol.com
(BCapstone) wrote:

> Can you pick up a bacterium.  I am wondering if any of the technology in
> medicine or biology could be used to separate out a rod from a mixture of
> cocci and sperm.  Can't be done by culture.  E-mail: BCapstone at aol.com

I have a journal article " A practical optical trap for manipulating and
isolating bacteria from complex microbial communities", Mitchell, James G.
et. al. , which claims to be able to isolate a single bacterium from  a
complex community with relative ease.  It claims that this method is
superior to micromanipulation or other similar methods.  I'm not sure which
journal it comes from, maybe J. Marine Biotechnology?  Anyway, it should be
easy to find by CD-ROM, published sometime after July 1992.

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