Can you pick up a bacterium?

Tom Schneider toms at fcsparc6.ncifcrf.gov
Sun Oct 16 16:03:16 EST 1994

In article <37q2bb$59t at newsbf01.news.aol.com> bcapstone at aol.com (BCapstone) writes:
| Can you pick up a bacterium.  I am wondering if any of the technology in
| medicine or biology could be used to separate out a rod from a mixture of
| cocci and sperm.  Can't be done by culture.  E-mail: BCapstone at aol.com

The laser trap described in the other posting will work, of course, but it
will cost a lot of money.

A long time ago I isolated single paramecia by a simple trick.  It might work
for bacteria also.  Draw a glass tube and it break off so that one has a
microscopic opening.  Put a bulb on the other end.  Put a drop of media down on
the slide.  Use the micropipette suck up the solution around a bacterium of
interest.  Put that down in a drop elsewhere on the slide.  One could add a
drop of water to dilute.  Repeat as needed until a single specimen is
isolated.  I never tried this with bacteria, so it may be harder.

  Tom Schneider
  National Cancer Institute
  Laboratory of Mathematical Biology
  Frederick, Maryland  21702-1201
  toms at ncifcrf.gov

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