soil bacteria

Daniel Storey storey at saucer.cc.umr.edu
Sun Oct 16 15:53:45 EST 1994

: As a portion of a micro lab, I have had my students isolate bacteria from
: soil. We are now in the process of identifying the isolates. Pseudomonas
: and Bacillus spp. are predominant, but we have isolated a small Gram - cocci
: (tiny). Can anyone provide a list of typically isolated bacteria from soil?
: Any suggestions as to the identity of the Gram negative cocci?
: Our isolation method has selected for aerobes and facultative anaerobes that
: are non-fastidious (grow well on trypic soy agar at 37 C).Thanks in advance.

   One that I am working on is a G+ rod called Caryophanon latum. This bug
grows on cow dung and is believed to come from the soil.

Dan Storey,
University of Missouri at Rolla
storey at umr.edu

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