e-test for anaerobes

Ben Vowels Vowels at A1.MSCF.UPENN.EDU
Wed Oct 12 16:05:24 EST 1994

In article <Pine.3.89.9410120926.A1744-0100000 at isnet.is.wfu.edu>,
bmorrell at ISNET.IS.WFU.EDU ("Robert Morrell Jr.") wrote:

> Is there anybody out there in a clinical laboratory use AB biodisk's 
> E-test for anaerobic isolates?  We recently had a go at it and have yet to 
> get the quality control organism to get the proper values.
> Bob Morrell

We have had similar difficulty with both sensitivity disks of a single
concentration and with the E test.  This is probably why NCCLS does not
have a policy on using the disks for anaerobic culture sensitivities. 
They can't recommend the E test for anaerobes OR aerobes because it is
available only from a single manufacturer and is a unique product.

Ben Vowels

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