Mol. Microbiol. Ph.D looking for a PostDoc position

Zhengyu Sha zsha at iastate.edu
Sun Oct 9 19:59:59 EST 1994

I am a Ph.D looking for a postdoc position in a laboratory studying
molecular pathogenesis and/or antibiotic resistence in bacteria. I have 
10 years experience with molecular biology and strong backgrounds in
microbiology/biochemistry. The following is my CV.

			Zhengyu   Sha

Home 				Office
1494 Hawthorn Court		2188  Molecular  Biology  Building
Ames, Iowa  50010		Department of Zoology and Genetics
Phone:(515) 296-8376		Iowa State University, Ames, IA 50011
Fax:(515) 294-0345		Phone:(515) 294-4210
				Email address: zsha at iastate.edu

STATUS  	Permanent Resident		

CAREER  	A Postdoctoral Position in a Research
OBJECTIVE	Institute/University	

EDUCATION 	Doctor of Philosophy:		Sept., 1994
		Iowa State University		Ames, Iowa
		Major: Molecular Biology, 	GPA: 3.3/4.0

	Thesis Title: "Purification and cloning of a periplasmic catalase from
	B. abortus  and the oxidative stress in the pathogenesis of Brucella"

		Master of Science:		Sept. 1986
		Major: Genetic Engineering	GPA: 3.6/4.0
		Bachelor of Science:		Sept. 1983
		Major:  Biology			GPA:  3.4/4.0
		Fudan University		Shanghai, PRC

EMPLOYMENT	Research and Teaching Assistant		1989 to present
		Dept. of Zoology and Genetics, Iowa State University, Ames,Iowa

		Project: Purified a catalase from B.abortus, cloned the gene 
			 and studied the biological significance of oxidative 
			 stress in the pathogenesis of Brucella
		Techniques: -Protein purification, conventional chromatography,
			     HPLC,  protein  sequencing,  immunological and
		      	     enzyme assays, protein analysis
			    -DNA library screening, subcloning, PCR, DNA
			     sequencing, heterologous gene expression ,
		  	     site-directed mutagenesis 
			    -transposon, mapping and other bacterial genetics  
		Teaching:   Lectured a genetic engineering lab course and a 
 			    biology lab course

		Lab Supervisor				1987-1989
		Reijing  Hospital, Shanghai, PRC
		Project: Involved in a preclinical trial of  a recombinant hGH 
			 and developed the procedures to diagnose several
			 genetic diseases
		Techniques: Southern blotting, RFLP, ELISA 

		Researcher  Associate     		1986-1987
		Biotechnology  Center, Shanghai, PRC
		Project: Improved a recombinant Hepatitis B vaccine 
		Techniques: Eukaryotic expression system

		Teaching and Research Assistant		1983-1986
		Genetic Institute, Fudan University, Shanghai, PRC
		Project: Studied the polymorphism of D.melanogaster 
		Techniques: -Isozyme electrophoresis 
			    -RFLP of Mitochondria DNA 
		Teaching:   Lectured  a genetic lab course

PUBLICATION	Zhengyu Sha, Thomas. J. Stabel, John E. Mayfield(1994).
		Cloning of a periplasmic catalase from Brucella abortus.
	 	Journal of Bacteriology. (in press)

		Thomas. J. Stabel, Zhengyu Sha, John Mayfield(1994).  
		Periplasmic location of Brucella abortus Cu/Zn superoxide 
		dismutase. Vet. Microbiol.38: 307-314

		Zhengyu Sha, Fred M. Tatum, John E. Mayfield(1994).Analysis of 
		the survival of a  catalase-deletion mutant of Brucella
		abortus in vitro and in vivo. ( in preparation)

		Iowa State University 1989-1990

PROFESSIONAL	American Society for Microbiology

REFERENCES	Dr. John E Mayfield
		Professor, Department of Zoology & Genetics
		Iowa State University
		Ames, Iowa 50010
		Tel: (515)-294-6847

		Dr. Duane M. Enger
		Chairman, Department of Zoology & Genetics
		Iowa State University
		Ames, Iowa 50010
		Tel: (515)-294-0320

		Thomas J. Stabel
		Staff Scientist, Physiopathology Unit
		National Animal Disease Center, ARS, USDA
		P.O. Box 70
		Ames, Iowa 50010
		Tel: (515)- 239-8292

			Research Interests Statement 

Research Interests
	My current research focuses on the stress response and protein
localization in the Gram-negative bacterium, B.abortus  . In the future,
I wish to continue to pursue a challenging career in the development of
new technology applicable to the biotechnology industry that will
ultimately benefit the clinical treatment and prevention of human

Research Experience
	I started to work on the molecular mechanisms of B.abortus
pathogenesis in my Ph.D. project in 1990. My initial goal was to test
the hypothesis that the antioxidant enzymes such as catalase play an
important role in the survival and the propagation of facultative
intracellular bacteria. Mammalian phagocytic cells release reactive
oxidants such as superoxide anion and hydrogen peroxide when they
confront invading bacteria The oxidants are believed to be involved in
antibacterial activity of phagocytic cells by placing an oxidative
stress on the bacteria. The facultative intracellular bacteria such as
B. abortus  must respond to and protect themselves form this oxidative
stress to survive in the host. I thought it was very likely that
Brucella cells would be found to have a periplasmic catalase which could
detoxify the hydrogen peroxide generated by host phagocytic cells. First
I developed a new method for isolation of the periplasmic proteins from
Brucella cells while retaining the biologic activity. Then I
successfully isolated a periplasmic catalase from B. abortus , purified
it to homogeneity and investigated its biochemical characteristics.
Using an antibody against the purified  enzyme, I screened a B. abortus
DNA library, cloned this catalase gene, and  sequenced the gene. Most
recently I constructed a catalase null mutant of B. abortus  by
site-directed mutagenesis and characterized its phenotype. The mutant
strain is sensitive to hydrogen peroxide stress and was  retarded growth
when inoculated into Balb/c mice. My data indicate that the periplasmic
catalase is important for B. abortus  to survive under the  hydrogen
peroxide stress. 
	In my Master degree project in China, I used isozyme
electrophoresis and RFLP of mitochondria DNA to study the polymorphism
of D.melanogaster subspecies in eastern China. After graduating with a
M.S. degree,  I worked in a project to develop a vaccine against
Hepatitis  B virus using vaccinia virus  as a live carrier expression
system. Later, I developed PCR-based methods for diagnosing genetic
disorders such as human growth hormone(hGH) deficiency. During lab
rotations in ISU, I was involved in studying the AC/DS transposon in
soybean, and I used a transposon to introduce a gene marker into
Staphylococcus aureus chromosome for  chromosome mapping. 

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