Lab manuals

Paul H. Demchick Paul.Demchick at LAMBADA.OIT.UNC.EDU
Sat Oct 8 15:16:05 EST 1994

On 30 Sep 1994 I posted (to microbio at net.bio.net) a thought
summarized below:

     The problem with off-the-shelf course laboratory manuals for
     microbiology is that they are not customized to the needs of
     the user.  Producing in-house lab manuals is a huge job.
     Thought:  A lab manual file to which folks could contribute
     and anyone could use.  It could be customized for individual
     use by simple editing (much more simply than starting from

Several replies were posted to microbio at net.bio.net.  More
were sent by E-Mail to me.  There seems to be enthusiasm out
there.  Questions raised in correspondence include many
mechanical matters (format, access).  Also, many who replied
liked the idea...but it was unclear if some were interested in
contributing, using, neither or both.  So I ask that anyone
interested send me the following:

     Names/addresses (E-Mail if possible) of folks (you or
     others) interested in contributing to such a manual.

     Names/addresses (E-Mail if possible) of folks (you or
     others) interested in using such a manual.

     Suggestions for formats, access arrangements and other nuts
     and bolts matters (including an access site for the
     file...Barton has no UNIX machine of its own).

     Any other suggestions you wish to make.

Thanks to all those who made suggestions in the past week.


Paul H. Demchick
Cell Biology Program
Department of Biological and Physical Sciences
B A R T O N   C O L L E G E
Wilson, NC  27893

paul.demchick at launchpad.unc.edu

Telephone: 919-399-6467
FAX: 919-237-4957

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