Antibiotic research project - Help needed

Shelle Campbell scampbel at rhs.brevard.k12.fl.us
Fri Oct 7 13:32:00 EST 1994

        HELP WANTED: Student requesting help for science project. The science
project consists of transforming ampicillin, kanamycin, chloramphenicol, and
tetracycline, from a plasmid to a bacterial cell into Escherichia coli, and
then ligating the four antibiotics together, and transforming the
superplasmid into Escherichia coli.
I had been hoping to use the rapid colony transformation methods, and the
standard ligation methods.
        This project is a continuation of the last two years. Please send any
information possible that could help me with my project. Procedures and ideas
for expansion would be greatly appreciated. Thank you very much for you time
and effort.
        Please forward all information to my teacher via e-mail:
scampbel at rhs.brevard.k12.us
                                                        Thank you,
                                                                Kristina Keys

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