Identification of Candida

"Miller, J. Michael PhD ", Mike JMM8 at CIDHIP1.EM.CDC.GOV
Fri Oct 7 07:01:25 EST 1994

In a recent post, KSROSTAND at BMG.BHS.UAB.EDU asked about a simple test for 
Candida vs Saccharomyces.  Simple commercial identification methods are 
available from a variety of sources.  Probably the most cost-effective and 
efficient for your purpose might be the simple germ-tube test (the hospital 
will probably have a procedure for you).  The only problem is that Candida 
albicans is positive and other Candida species (and all other yeasts) are 
negative.  Outside of the commercial "kit" tests, I'm not sure how one would 
accurately distinguish the two.  In general, all Candida species produce 
pseudohyphae (usually with blastoconidia attached) and Saccharomyces do so 
less frequently.  Saccharomyces produce ascospores when grown on Fowell 
acetate agar for 2-5 days at room temperature.  Candida only rarely produce 

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