High school research student needs asssistance

Shelle Campbell scampbel at rhs.brevard.k12.fl.us
Thu Oct 6 13:03:09 EST 1994

                 High school student needs HELP!!!
My name is Jeanette Caesar and I am a high school research student. My
project this year is about the effects of Ultraviolet radiation on the growth
rates of Esherichia coli. Last year my project was about the growth  rates of
Esherichia coli  and ultraviolet radiation. What I did was that I put 12
petri dishes in a ultraviolet chamber to see how well the Esherichia coli
grew. I found out that only two of the twelve E. coli still grew. This year I
will still use the petri dishes and, also use test tubes. If you have any
information that can help me with my project  Please help me.!!!!

       Jeanette Caesar

Please respond to my instructor:
scampbel at rhs.brevard.k12.fl.us

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