wavelength to read cultures

Stephen_W._Mamber_at_~PRIWFB05 at ccmail.bms.com Stephen_W._Mamber_at_~PRIWFB05 at ccmail.bms.com
Thu Oct 6 10:47:48 EST 1994

I generally use 600 nm.  However, if I do growth curves using colored media,I 
scan the media blank over the visible range and try to find the minimal 
absorbance wavelength (rounded to the nearest 10) as my setting. SWM

mamber at synapse.bms.com

>When reading ODs of bacterial cultures with a spectrophotometer, what 
>wavelength should be used and is it the same for all bacteria?.
>Dick Murphy
|Richard A. Murphy                   Bitnet: U14663 at uicvm.bitnet    | 
|University of Illinois at Chicago   Internet: U14663 at uicvm.uic.edu | 

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