Lyophilization of alkaliphilic halophiles

Peter Jablonski jablonsk at RAVEN.CSRV.UIDAHO.EDU
Tue Oct 4 19:34:22 EST 1994

Does anyone have any information of the lyophilization of alkaliphilic 
halophiles or halophiles in general?  We are trying to lyophilize 
halophiles for the purpose of storage, but haven't come up with a 
suitable medium to wash the cells after harvest.  The cells we are 
working with will lyse if we lower the NaCl concentration below 1.2 M.


Peter Jablonski
jablonsk at raven.csrv.uidaho.edu
Dept. of Microbiology
Univ. of Idaho
Moscow, ID 83844-3052
208-885-7892 (phone)
208-885-6518 (fax)

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