E.coli competence

Abramo C Ottolenghi aottolen at magnus.acs.ohio-state.edu
Sun Oct 2 14:44:06 EST 1994

In article <36masp$t08 at mserv1.dl.ac.uk>,
Ronan.Okennedy <Ronan.Okennedy at UCG.IE> wrote:
>Just on the synchronous culture thing. I always thought that if cultures
>were synchronous that step changes in biomass would be observed in the
>exponential phase and and not suddenly appear in the stationary phase.
That is right.  Cell counts increase stepwise after the first division and 
continue during the exponential phase.
Because the O.D. depends on the biomass (cell # and cell size) it increases
continously as cells grow prior to division.
 Cheers A. Ottolenghi aottolen at magnus.acs.ohio-state.edu

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