Hi! I am a graduate student and I'm currently evaluating the efficacy
of sorbitol MacConkey agar (SMA) and two other selective media (A & B) for
recovering stressed Escherichia coli O157:H7 in frozen and cooked ground beef.
Recovery of stressed cells appears to be better on Medium A than on SMA.
However, I need to assess the differential and/or selective ability of Medium
A for enumerating E. coli O157:H7 in beef (or perhaps in other foods). Does
anyone know of a person or persons who can provide me with bacterial beef
isolates which have been identified and characterized? Your assistance will
be highly appreciated. Please reply by e-mail to rclaver at gaes.griffin.
peachnet.edu. Thanks.
Ma. Rocelle S. Clavero
Center for Food Safety and Quality Enhancement
University of Georgia
Griffin, GA 30223-1797
Rocelle Clavero | Center for Food Safety & Quality
| Georgia Experiment Station
INTERNET: | 1109 Experiment Street
RCLAVER at GAES.GRIFFIN.PEACHNET.EDU | Griffin, Georgia 30223-1797 USA
Dialcom: 157:AGS634 Fax: (404) 229-3216