Anthrax, History of

Daniel Mytelka mytelka at zenith.Berkeley.EDU
Tue Nov 29 18:04:34 EST 1994

   In article <3be40c$uc at tribune.usask.ca>,
   S Colacino <colacino at herald.usask.ca> wrote:

   Hello, I'm a veterinary medicine student, and I'm wondering if somebody 
   could please post some information on the history of anthrax.  My 
   veterianarin texts have NO information on the history of the bacteria, 
   and I can't find the info in any library books.

Try looking at biographies of famous scientists who have done research
on anthrax. Robert Koch and Louis Pasteur are the two earliest ones.
One book that I know of off hand which has a chapter on each of those
(and is fun and readable) is Paul de Kruiff's Microbe Hunters.

Dan Mytelka
mytelka at mendel.berkeley.edu

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