Virology texts

Leslie Gregg-Jolly GREGGJOL at AC.GRIN.EDU
Tue Nov 22 12:41:04 EST 1994

I am writing in response to the request for recommendations of general 
virology textbooks. A colleague of mine, Bruce Voyles, has published the book 
"The Biology of Viruses" with Mosby. This title is very appropriate since the 
book describes how viruses work, not just what they are. Bruce also uses a 
question based approach towards understanding virology. We have found this 
question approach to be an interesting and productive way of teaching biology 
to undergraduates. I should also mention this book is  targeted for the "non-

	You may think I am biased towards the effectiveness of this text since I 
think highly of my colleague, but you should at least check it out for 
yourself. It will be worth your while. 

Leslie A. Gregg-Jolly
Assistant Professor of Biology
Grinnell College
Greggjol at ac.grin.edu

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