Lab Manual

RYBICKI, ED ED at molbiol.uct.ac.za
Mon Nov 21 07:52:28 EST 1994

> Thanks for the suggestions.  I am a bit familiar with WWW on the 
> end.  However, making items available on the distributing end is 
> about which I know nothing.  Help (please)!  I'm not even sure 
> questions to ask.  How does one put the files into html format?  
> volunteer WWW site (if any) can you suggest for housing the manual 
> bank.

Site is not too much of a problem: basically, anywhere with some 
space and a willing sysop!!  You need a server: the software 
necessary to get your archive recognised as a WWW site must run on 
the mainframe in which the archive is kept.  You need html editing 
software: lots available, free, for all sorts of platforms (UNIX, 
Mac, PC).  I could send lots for PC.  You could ask that people 
sending stuff in (who know how) HTML edit their stuff.  Anything I 
send could be so done as we will be doing it anyway for ourselves.
 | Ed Rybicki, PhD          | The percentage you're paying is too  |
 | (ed at molbiol.uct.ac.za)   | high-priced, and you're living beyond|
 | Dept Microbiology        |  all your means; And the man in the  |
 | University of Cape Town  |    suit has just bought a new car    |
 | Private Bag, Rondebosch  |       From the profit he's made      |
 | 7700, South Africa       |            on your dreams...         |
 | fax: xx27-21-650 4023    |        - Steve Winwood, 1971         |
 | tel: xx27-21-650 3265    |   (Low Spark of High-Heeled Boys)    |

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