Glenn Cantor gcantor at VETMED.WSU.EDU
Mon Nov 21 13:43:28 EST 1994

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Mon, 21 Nov 1994 08:45:15 -0700 (PDT)
From: Glenn Cantor <gcantor at vetmed.wsu.edu>
To: JonA867817 <jona867817 at aol.com>
Cc: microbiology at net.bio.net
Subject: Re: PCR

On 20 Nov 1994, JonA867817 wrote:

> Is there a PCR Discussion Forum?  Does anyone have info/references on how
> to best perform PCR on mRNA and is there any way to selectively destroy
> DNA in a very small volume clinical sample and still preserve any mRNA for
> conversion to cDNA and subsequent PCR amplification?
The best forum is METHDS-REAGNTS.  You can access it from the BIOSCI 
gopher.  There are many ways to get to it; I choose USA - California - 
BIOSCI - METHDS-REAGNTS.  They have a large volume of correspondence, so 
it may take a while to sort through it.

Actually, your questions might be answered conveniently from a document 
called methods.faq.  (faq stands for "frequently asked questions").  It 
is a large document with considerable current information about PCR, and 
is available from the METHDS-REAGNTS group.  It is the last item on the 
menu, when you use a gopher to access the group.  You can then e-mail it 
to yourself.

Glenn Cantor
Department of Veterinary Microbiology and Pathology
Washington State University

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