Aircraft components fungi???

Ronan.Okennedy Ronan.Okennedy at UCG.IE
Mon Nov 21 16:28:07 EST 1994

>In the ATCC collection of filamentous fungi catalogue, more precisely in the
>with Special Applications Section there is an application that is bugging me.
>This is
>the application:
>Aircraft components
>     testing
>        Aspergillus flavus
>                    "       niger
>                    "       ustus
>                    "       versicolor
>         Chaetomium globosum
>         Fusarium monoliform
>What is this about? Are these fungi that like to take the plane (Hey, I met
>Rusty the
>fungi in a 747 back from Jakarta)? Or are they simply organisms used for
>testing? If so, what for exactly?

I'm not too sure of the strains listed but some aircraft have problems with
fungal flocs building up in the fuel tanks, blocking the pumps. It might
seem crazy but some strains of marine fungi appear to grow quite happily at
the oil water interface.

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