TWO job openings: Path. Micro & Immunology

Thu Nov 17 11:57:58 EST 1994

Please note that the following contains two descriptions; one in Immunology
and one in Pathogenic Microbiology, much of the information is duplicated in
the two announcements. Please address all your inquiries to:

SaunderD at ESUVM1.emporia.edu

                            ANNOUNCEMENT OF VACANCY


POSITION:         Full-time, tenure-track with nine-month contract at rank of
                  Assistant Professor. Some summer employment possible. Normal
                  teaching load is 12 contact hours per semester. The teaching
                  assignment will include pathogenic microbiology and laborator
                  plus other courses in either microbiology, molecular/cellular
                  biology or general biology. Other expectations include
                  service, supervision of undergraduate and/or graduate student
                  research, and the development of a research program
                  appropriate to the opportunities and resources of a teaching

QUALIFICATIONS:   Ph.D. in a biological science with a commitment to excellence
                  in teaching.

APPOINTMENT DATE: August 14, 1995.

THE UNIVERSITY:   Emporia State University is a comprehensive university in the
                  Kansas Board of Regents System. Student enrollment exceeds
                  6000. The Division of Biological Sciences has 14 full-time
                  faculty and over 300 majors; it presently offers the B.A.,
                  B.S., B.S.E., and M.S. degrees and provides service courses
                  for the university general education program, elementary
                  education, and the Newman Division of Nursing.

APPLICATIONS:     To apply, send current curriculum vitae, copies of all
                  transcripts, and a letter describing teaching and research
                  interests and the names, addresses, and phone numbers of four
                  references to the address below.

DEADLINE:         To be included in the initial screening process all
                  application materials must be received by December 10, 1994.

          An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer

      Application materials and credentials should be addressed to:

                              Chair, Screening Committee
                              Division of Biological Sciences
                              Box 4050
                              Emporia State University
                              Emporia, KS 66801

º                            ANNOUNCEMENT OF VACANCY



POSITION:         Full-time, tenure-track with nine-month contract at rank of
                  Assistant Professor. Some summer employment possible. Normal
                  teaching load is 12 contact hours per semester. The teaching
                  assignment will include Immunology and laboratory plus other
                  courses in either microbiology, molecular/cellular biology or
                  general biology. Other expectations include service,
                  supervision of undergraduate and/or graduate student research
                  and the development of a research program appropriate to the
                  opportunities and resources of a teaching university.

QUALIFICATIONS:   Ph.D. in a biological science with a commitment to excellence
                  in teaching.

APPOINTMENT DATE: August 14, 1995.

THE UNIVERSITY:   Emporia State University is a comprehensive university in the
                  Kansas Board of Regents System. Student enrollment exceeds
                  6000. The Division of Biological Sciences has 14 full-time
                  faculty and over 300 majors; it presently offers the B.A.,
                  B.S., B.S.E., and M.S. degrees and provides service courses
                  for the university general education program, elementary
                  education, and the Newman Division of Nursing.

APPLICATIONS:     To apply, send current curriculum vitae, copies of all
                  transcripts, and a letter describing teaching and research
                  interests and the names, addresses, and phone numbers of four
                  references to the address below.

DEADLINE:         To be included in the initial screening process all
                  application materials must be received by December 10, 1994.

          An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer

      Application materials and credentials should be addressed to:

                              Chair, Screening Committee
                              Division of Biological Sciences
                              Box 4050
                              Emporia State University
                              Emporia, KS 66801

Please address all inquiries to SaunderD at ESUVM1.emporia.edu

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