Home lab

"Miller, J. Michael PhD ", Mike JMM8 at CIDHIP1.EM.CDC.GOV
Tue Nov 15 07:44:27 EST 1994

Recently, Guy Tremblay wrote about identifying bacteria in a home laboratory 
and was asking for help.  Guy, probably the best help I can give you is to 
say DON'T DO IT.  Bacteria and fungi that grow on microbiological media, 
regardless of where the lab is, are not to be "played with".  Without the 
proper safety precautions, aseptic procedures, and disposal methods you are 
placing yourself, your family, and potentially anyone who enters the area at 
risk.  For instance, if you see white molds growing on the media you have 
inoculated, do you plan to remove the lid to examine the culture?  Certain 
white molds can be deadly!!  You don't identify bacteria by looking at 
pictures in books...sometimes I wish we could.  Those yellow bacteria 
you are looking at could be anything from Micrococci (skin flora) to 
Flavobacterium (environmental organisms capable of causing disease) to 
harmless soil organisms.  Please be careful and reconsider what you are 
planning to do.

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