Satellite colonies

Heidi N LeBlanc leblanc at unixg.ubc.ca
Tue Nov 15 13:16:38 EST 1994

In article <9411141944.AA20138 at isnet.is.wfu.edu>,
B. Wasilauskas <bwasilau at ISNET.IS.WFU.EDU> wrote:
>At 11:07 AM 11/13/94 -0800, mcgeed at HAL.HAHNEMANN.EDU wrote:
>>	"Hello microbionetters!  I was hoping that someone could explain
>>satellite colonies to me; i. e. why do they form in the presence of 
>antibiotic? ......."

If the antibiotic you're using is something like ampicillin, the 
satellite colonies (which are not truly resistant) form around a 
resistant colony.  The resistance mechanism destroys the antibiotic and 
the satellites get a free ride.

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