At 06:18 AM 11/12/94 GMT, Martin Latterich wrote:
>Dear netters:
>>Just out of interest and being inspired by one of our readers:
>>How many clinical microbiologists are reading this newsgroup? Do you
>find this newsgroup covers areas of your interest, or would you like to
>see more clinically oriented discussion going on here along with the
>already experimentally oriented microbiological posts.
>>> Sincerely,
>> Martin Latterich
>micro at>>As a clinical microbiologist in a large medical center, I would like to see
more clinically oriented information here, but realize that this is a forum
for all types of microbiologically oriented discussion. Perhaps a clinical
forum needs to be established for those just interested in the human side of
microbial disease. In any event I still enjoy reading about what others are
doing. Keep up the good work.