Microbiologists: Clinical vs/and/or Experimental

Ingvar.Eliasson at alinks.se Ingvar.Eliasson at alinks.se
Sat Nov 12 11:35:59 EST 1994

> How many clinical microbiologists are reading this newsgroup? 
> Do you find this newsgroup covers areas of your interest, or 
> would you like to see more clinically oriented discussion 
> going on here along with the already experimentally oriented 
> microbiological posts.

> Sincerely,

> Martin Latterich
> BIONET.MICROBIOLOGY Discussion Leader 
> microÉmendel.berkeley.edu

Dear Martin,

I am running a national e-mail service - DocMail - for physicians 
and clinical lab people in Sweden. I am also a clinical 
microbiologist myself. At the moment, approx 50 clinical 
microbiologists are members of this self-supporting, 
non-commercial net.

Since a few weeks back, we have added Forum (BBS) possibilities 
to the net. So far, we have included Bionet.Microbiology, 
Bionet.Virology and Bionet.Parasitology. Quite a few of the 
members have responded positively. To most of them, Internet is 
not available, and this is their first contact with international 
electronic conferences.

Nobody but myself has yet provided any input, but I guess this 
will come in due course.

YES, we would like to see more clinical topics. I also believe 
that the more we clinical microbiologists put in, the more we get 
back. It is a fantastic opportunity to be able to test ideas, 
provide epidemiological information, look for collaborators, and 
ask questions over the net, and be able to get feedback from all 
corners of the world over-night! It is also a way to expose 
yourself and provide your email address to a great number of 

I think that it is too premature to divide into a clinical 
branch. There is also a possibility for healthy 
cross-fertilization when all microbiologists are on the same 
channel. Besides, as it is at the moment, it is only a few new 
messages per day, so it is not too difficult to keep up!

Hey, you clinical microbiologists out there, let's make this our 

Greetings from Sweden and DocMail!


* Dr. Ingvar Eliasson, M.D., Ph.D.      * 
* Dept. Clinical Microbiology           * 
* County Hospital                       * 
* S-391 85  Kalmar, Sweden              * 
*                                       * 
* Phone:..... +46-480-448772            * 
* Fax:....... +46-480-81738             * 
* Internet:.. Ingvar.Eliasson at alinks.se * 

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