Nonisotopic Protein/RNA/DNA Synthesis Inhibition Methods

Douglas B. Kell dbk at aber.ac.uk
Fri Aug 26 02:25:19 EST 1994

In article <1994Aug23.141334.8725 at mbcf> heath at mbcf.stjude.org (Richard) writes:
>In article <9407087763.AA776368509 at ccgate0.bms.com>, Stephen_W._Mamber_at_~PRIWFB05 at ccmail.bms.com writes:
>>      This microbiologist would like to know of any manufacturers 
>>      of/references for nonisotopic methods for determining the inhibition 
>>      of bacterial protein synthesis, DNA synthesis and/or RNA synthesis.
>>      Thanks, SWM
>>      mamber at synapse.bms.com 
>>      OR
>>      Stephen_W._Mamber_at_~PRIWFB05 at ccmail.bms.com
>Stephen, the reference you are looking for is:
>Brunschede, H., Dove, T.L., and Bremer, H. (1977) J. Bacteriol. 129, 1020-1033.
>This gives a simple method for the non-isotopic determination of protein, RNA
>and DNA, using absorbancies after various acid/alkali steps.  It works!  well
>- I've used the RNA and protein part ;-)
>Good luck,
>Richard Heath
>heath at mbcf.stjude.org
>Department of Biochemistry
>St. Jude Children's Research Hospital, Memphis, TN, 38101 

And does anyone have a reference to cognate FLUORIMETRIC methods, preferably 
that can be done simultaneously (e.g. in a flow cytometer)?

Kind regards,

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