mannose qunatification

J-C Mercier jcmercier at mediaone.net
Fri Mar 10 21:08:57 EST 2000

hello Carla,

my name is Jean-Claude Mercier

pls go to this website    http://www.glycoscience.com/     hopefully, you
will find what you need

for more info, see my website at    http://www.mannapages.com/JcMercier/

by the way, is your city closer to Porto or to Lisbon?


Carla Pinheiro wrote in message
< at mailer2.itqb.unl.pt>...
> Hello,
> My name is Carla Pinheiro and I need to quantify mannose enzimatically .
>To do so I need phosphomanno isomerase (EC
> Can anyone tell me if it is possible to buy it, and to whom?
> thanks,
> Carla
>Carla Pinheiro (pinheiro at itqb.unl.pt)
>Plant Biochemistry
>Av. Républica EAN, Ap 127
>2781-901 Oeiras
>tel. +351 21 4469656
>FAX. +351 21 4433644

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