[Genbank-bb] GenBank 162.0 Close-of-Data

Cavanaugh, Mark (NIH/NLM/NCBI) [E] via genbankb%40net.bio.net (by cavanaug from ncbi.nlm.nih.gov)
Fri Oct 26 14:15:50 EST 2007

Greetings GenBank Users,

Close-of-data for the upcoming GenBank Release 162.0 occurred
on Friday October 19th at approximately 1:30am EDT.

The subsequently generated GenBank Incremental Update files
nc1019.aso, nc1019.flat, etc. contain data through the close.

Note: Release processing often does not begin until sometime
during business hours on the close date. As a result, a number
of sequence records processed *after* 1:30am are likely to be
present in the GenBank 162.0 release files, even though they
are "post-close" .

Our apologies for the lack of advanced notice about the close date.
An initial attempt to send this announcement on Sunday, October 21
appears to have failed.

Mark Cavanaugh

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