Reminder : BASECOUNT line to be dropped

Mark Cavanaugh cavanaug at ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
Fri Oct 17 16:25:21 EST 2003

Greetings GenBank Users,

This is a reminder that the BASECOUNT line will be removed
from GenBank records, as previously described, with the
installation of Release 138.0 at the NCBI FTP site.

Records in the GenBank Incremental Update will lack the
BASECOUNT line starting the following day.

Details about this format change can be found in Section 1.4 of the
GenBank release notes:


The removal of this linetype requires us to rebuild the
flatfile images for every record in the database, so 
we are a bit behind schedule for the 138.0 close-of-data.

Close will hopefully occur on either 10/19 or 10/20 .

Mark Cavanaugh


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