[Employment] PhD Scholarship in Mathematics or Mathematical Statistics

Ema Shollenberger via biojobs%40net.bio.net (by emap3088 from gmail.com)
Mon Feb 4 15:14:14 EST 2019

The Department of Mathematical Sciencesat Chalmers University of Technology and the University of Gothenburg has about 170 employees, and is the largest department of mathematics in Sweden. The department has three scientific divisions, Algebra and Geometry, Analysis and Probability Theory, and Applied Mathematics and Statistics, and conducts successful research in pure and applied mathematics and mathematical statistics in a wide range of research areas.

The Division of Applied Mathematics and Statisticshas excellent research groups in areas such as computational mathematics, optimization, bioinformatics, spatial statistics and image processing, mathematical biology, and machine learning.

We are located in a modern building at the center of the Chalmers campus. More information about us can be found on our website:http://www.chalmers.se/math/

Job assignments

The division of Applied Mathematics and Statistics is now recruiting a PhD student, who may choose to work in any of the research areas of the division.

As a PhD student you will be part of an international research environment while you expand your knowledge of the field and write your thesis. This gives opportunities for many inspiring conversations, a lot of autonomous work and some travel. You are expected to develop your own ideas and communicate scientific results orally as well as in written form. In addition, the position will normally include 20% departmental work, mostly teaching duties.

The employment is limited to a maximum of five years.


The grounds of jurisdiction are regulated by the Higher Education Ordinance, Chapter 7,  39, 40.

Applicants must have a strong background in mathematics or in mathematical statistics. They must have obtaineda master’s degree or a 4-year bachelor’s degree or by some other means have fulfilled equivalent competence bythe application deadline.

It is important that you mention in the application your specific research interests. You should also include all relevant work such as bachelor’s or master’s thesis and articles (provide an English summary if necessary) that you have authored or co-authored. Evidence of mathematical problem solving skills is significant, besides course grades.

The bachelor’s level teaching is normally in Swedish, although the teaching at the master’s and PhD levels is in English. Thus, good language skills are required.

Good or excellent programming skills are also required.


Regulations for the evaluation of qualifications for education on a doctoral level are given in SFS 1998:80.


Type of employment: Fixed-term employment, at most 5 years

Extent: 100 %

Location: Department of Mathematical Sciences, Gothenburg

First day of employment: August 15, 2019

Provisions for employment as a doctoral student can be found in the SFS 1993: 100 regulation.

A new employment as a PhD student applies for a maximum of one year. The Appointment may be prolonged for up to two years at a time. The total employment period may not be longer than the equivalent of four years of full time time doctoral studies.

University applies local agreement on salaries of graduate students.

For further information regarding the position

Stig Larsson, head of unit, division of applied mathematics and statistics, phone: +46733409 006, email: stig from chalmers.se

Johan Tykesson, director, graduate school in mathematical statistics, phone: +46 31 772 35 14 , email:johant from chalmers.se


Union representatives at the University of Gothenburg:http://www.gu.se/english/about_the_university/job-opportunities/union-representatives

How to apply

For instructions on how to apply, please refer to: http://bit.ly/2Gl4FcE

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